Friday, April 5, 2013

March crafts and outdoor fun

 Painting Rosie's blown out goose eggs.

 Stringing beads onto a necklace for Grandma.

 Ice fun at the ice park.

 Every year at this time the kids discover the freedom to venture from the paths and walk on the packed surface of the snow. Noah's goat, Cami, is taking advantage of the extra height to nibble on the spruce boughs.

 One of my favorite does, Zuri. She is my one doe that I'm milking once a day now. She is giving us a half gallon of milk while keeping herself in good condition. So, all the milk, chevre and yogurt in the fridge is Zuri's. "Don't waste Zuri's yogurt kids, do you know how hard her body worked to make that?!"  

My first attempt at a wet felted hand bag. It was a flop at first as I messed up on felting the seams. So I ended up sewing the sides, and was glad I didn't give up on it. I enjoyed the process and am looking forward to playing around some more with wool before spring is in full swing with goat kids and chicks etc. 

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