I've been waking up before the kids most mornings and milking five does, processing milk, hanging the day before's cheese and starting a new batch of cheese, and starting breakfast before waking the kids up at about eight a.m. This routine has made for smooth peaceful and productive mornings. The other morning I slept in and the kids joined me for a more laid back farm chore routine. It had been rainy the previous few days so by the time we ended up in the garden the kids were actually content to be there and spend some time weeding their gardens and allowing me to get a start on mine.
My puddle lover.
Wearing out the puppy is a good job for Noah.
Young pullets, some that we hatched along with some black sex links from the feed store.
Denali on the left and her dam, Xanadu on the right.
The mosquitoes have been so mild this year that I have been able to milk with the door open EVERY MORNING!! Which I love to do. I just milk away and stare dreamily out the door at the green Birch trees.
The kids enjoy playing and finding safety in the hay feeder along with the goat kids that also enjoy playing and finding safety in the hay feeder.
Heading up the hill for more chicken feeding and watering.
Avery helping mix chicken feed. Kira was interested in the process...or at least in trying to get in a few licks of salmon meal.
Cornish and Bourbon Red Turkeys - as of this weekend they are now on pasture for their last few weeks. I'm looking forward to having the Cornish in the freezer and then the turkeys will enjoy a few more months of pasture before joining them.
One year old layers that are now in a large pen by the garden.
Noah tending his garden.
We are enjoying our summer immensely. We have had a rainier than usual June and as much as we are thankful for all the rain and the good start the garden is having, we are hoping that we still get the hot sunny weather that we anticipate this time of year.
On Sunny days we spend almost every moment outside weeding or doing various farm chores. And then the next day when it is rainy I'm so thankful that I didn't take the time to sweep the floor the day before and instead have sun on my skin and a weeded garden to show for it. Today is as rainy a day as it can be. The wood stove is going. I made a red lentil soup, baked a loaf of rustic sourdough bread and then made and experimental gluten free sandwich loaf recipe out of Nourishing Meals.
Meanwhile the drip irrigation has not needed to be installed - we do have a box of hardware that we ordered as well as a large pile of drip tape ready to be laid out. This weekend we butchered our two roosters that were giving us all grief when we would check for eggs. I have yet to make any medicines but we did pick rose petals and make steam distilled rose water and we have been harvesting and cooking with dandelion greens.
I have been spending my nights reading Diana Gabaldon's newest novel; Written In My Own Heart's Blood. And that would be why I haven't made a post sinec June 10th at least - actually I pre-ordered it so saved some money but got it late. Anyways, I imagine that several of you are diving into the same world during your late summer evenings. As always I look forward to hearing from you and how your summer is going. Happy Late Summer Solstice! And wishing us all many more green, warm and sunny days yet to come.
My goodness how different your summer is from mine - and how envious I am of the rain. It is very dry here in Spain where we farm olives and figs and keep a few chickens and geese. The thought of dandelion greens is now driving me mad... we won't have any green-ness until Autumn when the rains come and the locals call it 'second spring'. I really enjoy reading about your little farm please keep posting. x Jane
Just wanted to say thank you for your praise and recommendation of The Boreal Herbal- I picked up my own copy two weeks ago and I've kept my nose in it every chance I've had since! The pantry is filling up with medicines and dried herbs and everywhere I look I see FOOD instead of weeds. I love it.
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