Friday, January 2, 2015

Our Holy Days in pictures

 We started a new tradition this year. My parents gave us a beautiful Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus, and are going to let the kids pick out a few animals or other people to add to it each year. Dustin made the barn/shed a few years back and I had intended to needle felt all the people and animals but never got around to it. We decorated with dried leaves, moss, pine cones and Mountain Ash berries.

 I have fond memories of playing with a small sturdy nativity set when I was a kid and have always wanted one for my children to play with. This entire set cost as much one quality wood figurine from the other set, both have their advantages. I was able to afford the playmobile set myself - a big plus. The kids woke up to this scene all set up and arranged one morning early in advent.

 St. Nicholas Day. Avery and Noah are both in red.

 We decorated wreaths with ground lavender, chamomile and sugared rosemary from our garden as well as candied citrus peel, pine nuts, walnuts and dried fruit including our own dried cranberries.


 Almost all of our Christmas day pictures are blurry because we have so little light this time of year and I don't like artificial light nor the effects of the camera flash, so... here they are anyways.

 Avery pointing out the dragon on the wet felted pouch she made for Noah's Dungeon's and Dragon dice.

Avery, cradling her first porcelain doll, which was my first and favorite porcelain doll from childhood.

 Punch with fresh juiced pineapples and grapefruit and a frozen fruit herb ring, in a punch bowl from my Grandma. Champagne on the side.

Noah and his cousins.

 Christmas morning; me and my punch.

 Caribou roast stuffed with fresh parsley, ground anchovies and horseradish with beef fat on top, courtesy of my brother. It was fabulous and perfectly cooked.

Avery in her new dress on New Year's Eve.

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