Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Winter is at our doorstep

Winter is at our doorstep. The sky looks like snow. The ground is frozen underfoot. The tall white birch are mostly bare. The ground is covered with a carpet of rust and gold. Snow is in the forecast today. Am I ready? I suppose I have to be.

 The kids helping dig potatoes last week.

Yesterday we picked mostly frozen cranberries for possibly the last time. We've been keeping a fire in the wood-stove burning from morning to night. We've had to plug in all the electric waterers, five total, one for each of two doe pens, one for the bucks, one for the chickens and one for the ducks. The ducks have a rubbermaid tub with a hole in the top. Otherwise, if they had a waterer like the chickens, just a two gallon galvanized metal waterer, they'd drain it in an hour. This way we can bring them a couple of fresh gallons each morning and dump out the old water. Last week I filled the duck pond for the last time. In a day it was almost frozen solid, so I dumped it - last bath till spring, ah. We still have four turkeys and some Ameraucana roosters that need eliminated. For now we are just giving them fresh water in tubs that are easy to dump the ice out of.

Today, aside from baking bread and canning applesauce, I think we'll all get up to the garden to clean up tools and pull the last of the peas and sunflowers for the goats. I'm thinking we might even take up a handful of does to let them run around and feast - and see if anyone shows particular interest in the bucks. So far two of my milking does that I don't plan on breeding till later this season, have gone into heat. As soon as any of our three junior does go into heat, they'll be going on a date with with one lucky buck.

Other than cleaning up anything on the ground that we don't want to lose under snow cover till spring, I think I can be ready. I've been enjoying my winter boots, worn gloves and favorite hat. We still have one bag of missing winter gear. As excited as the kids are for snow and sledding, it is a lot of work and it will be here for a long time. I wouldn't mind a some more time to enjoy the pretty fall carpet of colors, and not have to deal with snow yet.

I'm looking forward to being content indoors. To not feel the constant pull to be outside making the most of the sun and warmth. To not feel the panic that goes along with the final days before the snow flies. I'm looking forward to enjoying my kitchen again and not feeling like my time is better spent elsewhere. I'm looking forward to cooking with all this wonderful produce and meat we've been growing and harvesting. I've been thinking of things I want to make once there is more time for cooking, homemade pasta, more elaborate cheeses, cookies with the kids and some new bread recipes. Well here are a few more pictures of fall.

 frosty beets

Using the truck to haul carrots, beets, leeks and potatoes down to the house from the garden.

Noah's corn. We harvested a few dozen ears but only a handfull were mostly developed. The goats and chickens enjoyed the rest.

Snow is in the forecast today.

1 comment:

Sheryl at Providence North said...

I enjoyed your blog! You sound to be a little further along in the autumns season than are we, but not much. I am enjoying the cooler weather immensly!

I too am looking forward to indoor activities when the garden is put to bed for the winter!