Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Summer Day Aspirations

Today is going to be a beautiful day. I awoke to the beautiful songs of the thrush outside in our woods. One of the many things I forget how much I love this time of year. Our house of course is filled with the sound of week old chicks cheeping. Upstairs their cheeps are muted and I can hear the rooster up the hill and all the wild birds in the woods. I can't wait to sleep with the window open...

Today and the next two days are supposed to be sunnier and warmer than the rest of the week. I am taking the weather forecast seriously and will be terribly disappointed if it doesn't come true. After our morning house chores, bread baking, lessons and lunch, I am looking forward to spending the afternoon in the garden; turning beds and planting soaked peas and beet seed. The seedling rack is full with fourteen trays of starts lined up - room for two more. I'm starting to set some of the biggest starts outside for a couple hours each afternoon in the shade. 

My husband is starting his crazy summer work schedule, roughly six days of ten hour shifts. I've been steadily working up to resolving to wake early with him and get chores and milking done while the kids are still asleep. If, and a big IF it is, I can accomplish this, my mornings and days with the kids will be oh so much more serene and peaceful. If I can tip toe inside with the milk pails and filter milk. Then brew  a cup of tea, maybe read a book or do a few yoga stretches while waiting for the kids to wake up. 

I am aspiring for the majority of my summer days to look like this: Peaceful early morning milkings by myself, productive sunny kitchen mornings with the kids playing indoors; getting lessons done and food made for the day, followed by relaxed afternoons; playing and working in the garden or laying around on the back porch reading library books and coloring with the kids. And finally, finished off with simple meals from the garden, mostly grilled and enjoyed on the pack porch. 

What do you envision your ideal summer days looking like?


Buttons Thoughts said...

Enjoy the sunny warm weather Emily you deserve it. I like the thought of your early morning routine it sounds perfect. I love my mornings alone also. B

Ashling said...

That sounds blissful....exhausting, but blissful!

Anonymous said...

Just like your would be nice. But I think my schedule is going to be more like your husbands (with morning chores hopefully not dragging out to make me late for work....)