Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Yeah, pictures, finally!

As you can see I finally got around to upgrading my storage plan. It was a close one. I almost switched to word press. I figured I can cancel my current plan anytime and move over.

I took these pictures last week. We've been taking the goats on walks pretty much daily, multiple times a day. Beings that we are low on hay, don't have a charger for our portable electric fence, and then there is less waste and work when we take the goats to the weeds as opposed to the weeds to the goats..well, there you have it, it makes sense. It's that time of year where I can't keep wait on a couple of my milkers, and they are looking pretty scrawny. More grain, more alfalfa, more browse - and still!

This week the bluebells and wild roses are in full bloom all around the property. The kids, especially Noah are enthusiastic gatherers. They've been going out daily gathering flowers and greens, technically weeds, for salads and munching on. Noah has been asking lately if we can stop buying food at the store. He's been making comments like, "When I'm older I'm going to live off the land and not buy things at the store." And of course, I'm like THATS MY BOY!  He get's it. He is continually growing in pride about our lifestyle. He is eagerly awaiting foraging for mushrooms and berries. Last week we took a nature walk and gathered probably at least twenty-five different leaves and small plants and then layed them all out and talked about their edibleness and medicinal purposes. Then instead of pressing them as I suggested, he insisted we had picked them and therefor must consume them. So, we blended them up in a very pungent smoothie, after which he ever so slowly consumed it, remarking on how it must be the healthiest smoothie ever.

When Noah asks if we can stop going to the store, I remind him that if we stopped now we'd be eating a lot of frozen kale, frozen broccoli and zucchini, as we just picked our first salad from the garden and don't have any other veggies yet. We've been talking about what we'll be going without, namely snacks, chips, hot and cold cereal etc. So yesterday we began coming up with a plan to take the month of August off without stopping by the store. In some ways we'll still be buying groceries, as I'll probably stock up on a few things, rolled oats for granola and granola bars, flour, butter and cheese. But I'm thinking we'll just be eating berries and veggies from the garden that month, and meat from the freezer of course, or if we are lucky D will get down to Chitina for a salmon run.

Avalon, for sale.

Zuri's daughter, Cila, possibly for sale.

Busy summer days; goat walks, foraging, garden, sun, green plants, flowers, sweet air.


Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh what insight your children have acquired at such a young age.
I am happy you are back to posting photos I am quickly running out of space and will have to deal with this sooner than later. I have also thought of Wordpress but I am not very good with change.
I do truly enjoy your posts Emily.Enjoy the fruits of your labour B

Ginger said...

They are soo grown up already (the human kids, that is!)! I am so ready for warm weather and I often daydream about getting my arms around a goat or two. Let me know if you need any help! I really need to learn what to do with kale, I overplanted and I have some great ones ready to harvest already. Sadly, it's just too cold lately!

all is on said...

well I must say, congrats on raising a son who's such a testament to who you are and what you are striving so diligently to accomplish!! I hope my heart glows to hear such words from my son in the years to come. I always enjoy popping in to read your blog, so cheers! One long awaited day we'll cross paths again. xxoxx